Why do women value open-mindedness and sense of humor?


Active member
May 16, 2008
All other physical characteristics and personality traits equal, why do women (and men) value open-mindedness and sense of humor in a romantic partner? Is there something unappealing about a person who is just serious all the time and knows what he likes and likes what he knows?

WHY is sense of humor and open-mindedness considered a positive trait? =)
Women value a sense of humor because it is a sign of a high value man, it shows social competance / power. As for open-mindedness, that is NOT something that women value about a man. They might say that they like it but that is just for appearances - women have ALWAYS adapted their opinions to their own environment and rarely go against the prevailing opinion.

if you are closed minded and a high status male (alpha male) your women will change all of her views to align with your own. even if those views are as close minded as they come.
Whether people know this or not, a sense of humor helps a marriage achieve success. And, being open to your partner's opinions, thoughts, and feelings makes your relationship work.

When I finally let go of thinking that I was usualkt right, and the my wife's opinions were not as important as mine, I found out how wonderful a marriage can be.
well personally open-mindedness makes me assume the guy is understanding or is open to new things, which i like very much and as for sense of humor who wouldn't like someone to have a laugh with?