Why do women whine and complain so much about their periods?

Lets see heavy bleeding from your crotch combined with cramps and irritability.....it sounds fine to me
Okay, boy. Here's the lay down on our one week crimson wave.
Cramps. Painful as sh!t cramps. No, I'm really not exaggerating. They're KILLERS.
The smell. Some of us are sensitive, like anyone, and can really smell the salty sea of our blood.
Our hormones. They go up then down then around a loop. We feel so happy, then feel like complete sh!t. Although, most of the time, it's the second one.
And, did I mention it's a week long? Yea, for most girls it's SIX to EIGHT days of this crap. However, I have a friend who goes fourteen on and fourteen off. YEAH.
It's money consuming! Pads and tampons are expensive!
It's time consuming!
It's embarrassing! Red dot on the pants? Red splatter? That will make a girl feel embarrassed for a YEAR.

It's only a bit of blood? It's Niagara Falls flowing out of an awkward area.

Get a girlfriend, and you'll see ;)
cool story bro, changed my life.
Guessing your a dude.

btw, ever thought about the cramps?
Yeahhh, they hurt like a biiitch.