Why do women whine and complain so much about their periods?

Because it's an awful, inconvenient and painful time of the month! You have little to NO control over your emotions; you are happy one second, sad the next, then so angry you quite literally are afraid you may murder someone who simply looks wrongly in your direction. You're pissed off because you are so bloated you can't fit into your cute jeans, you're bleeding like crazy, your abdomen is cramping so bad it feels like there's a Freddy vs Jason remake going on inside of you; you're horny but you can't have sex, (or I guess you could, whatever floats your boat), you're worried about bleeding through your jeans and having the whole world see, and then on top of that you have to deal with ignorant people who try to downplay what you are going through. Does that answer your question?!?!
For the same reason guys post constant questions about the size of their penis. It's just an appendage, and they should "get over it" too.