Why do women whine so much about their periods?!?


Apr 4, 2008
Seriously, it's just a bit of blood and it's only once a month! It doesn't even cause any physical pain! Get over it!
Its a pain, and actually its a lot. Imagine every month having to dread bleeding out of your privates. Beeing moody when not wanting to be and awful cramps, just AWFUL!!!! Having to wear a pad that you are scared of leaking/showing 24/7 and having a bad smell. Having to cancel plans that involve moving and swimming.
typical guy. for your information their is physical pain cramps. and emptional and thats why we wine becaus of mood swings we arent in control of. if u had blood flow from your pensis u wouldnt last one day without wining and complaining. some girls have it for longer than 3-4 days like guys think. some have it from 6-7 days or more. girls dont want their pad showing and leaking.
This could only be asked by a guy. For your information, periods can be extremely painful, not to mention what a pain in the a$$ they are. If a guy had to experience menstrual cramps, mood swings and bloating every month, they'd all sterilize themselves.

Bleed from your penis for 40 or more years. Every month.
Cramps aren't a physical pain? Wow. Learn your stuff first.
Plus your emotional and that's why we whine.
Some women have a lot of pain and blood that is very painful and have to take pain medication for.