Why does everyone blame religion for the Jim Jones suicides, when he was a


New member
Oct 7, 2008
political activist and a communist? During the mass-suicide, when members apparently cried, Jones counseled "Stop this hysterics. This is not the way for people who are Socialists or Communists to die. No way for us to die. We must die with some dignity."

At the end of the tape, Jones concludes: "We didn't commit suicide, we committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world."

Woman 15: It's been a pleasure walking with all of you in this revolutionary struggle. No other way I would rather go to give my life for socialism, communism, and I thank Dad very, very much.
Woman 16: Right. His love -- his mother was the advance -- the advance guard for socialism.

If you do not believe me check the transcript for yourself:
You guys are mental. It was a socialist/communist labor camp and he was attempting to move them to the soviet union for asylum!
It was Reverand Jim Jones. That should pretty much tip you off. It wasn't a political movement or a religion. It was a cult.