why does everyone think they can fight?

I would say I'm a good fighter if the person did something to really piss me off and got my adrenaline (sp?) going, other wise I find it pointless to start random brawls.
Ask your instructor where Mamazinho went, he disappeared from Seattle's Gracie Barra
never surrender?
im pretty modest when it comes to fighting. i know i can whoop some ass but at the same time i know i could get my shit tossed. people are intimidated by me because im a big guy so i dont usually fight anyone which is a good thing i guess.
cus were guys, and we think we can fight, i know i can fight andd some of st can prbly too
i was in 10 fights i lost 9. I won the last one because the guy had a seizure.

Just kidding I've never been in a fight.
I feel the same way, everyone at my home school looks at people and just bases their fighting skills on their looks. Me personally, I know I'm not Mat Hughes or Kimbo Slice, however I know that I can defend myself against just about the majority of the school... Yet I don't go around picking fights with people or running my mouth. I never raise my fists first.
Big guys and/or people who can fight are usually nice guys that don't start anything and in most cases avoid it at all costs. Hell look at pack metality with dogs...it's the little dogs that do all the fighting and the pack leader just sleeps and conserves his/her energy for the big fight when necessary. I've hung out with Ivan Salaverry (recently retired UFC fighter) and he's one of the nicest dudes on the planet...yeah he even tells all his students to never get in street fights just because it's never worth it and the stupidest thing you could probably do.

People like Kimbo Slice who popularized street and backyard fighting (which is very unsafe cus there are no paramedics around and etc.) are just bad.

Blame the UFC and the Napolean Complex.

Now everyone thinks because they watched UFC Unleashed last friday they can armbar everybody.

Little people all seem to have a chip on there shoulder. But some little guys are fucking good.
ive gotten in a few fights and won, but i always have dreams that im punching people and they arent getting hurt
oooh does your foot hurt after dropping that name??

No really, I get into firghts about 4 times a year, mostly because i mess with douchbags and they go off and think theyre all that. so I kick theyre ass, i am 5 7'' and 110lb never had anysort of martial arts training, I just had brothers...

I dont enjoy the fights and generally try to avoid them but sometimes it comes to close and I get set off.