Why does my blackberry bold keep shutting off on its own?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Help! My bb bold 9780 keeps shutting off on its own and do this so often ! And I take the battery out and it still restarts whenever it wants I too.. And I haven't gotten my phone wet at all so I don't know what's wrong?! Any ideas? :/ and if I take it in for repair will all my contacts and everything be erased? Thanks so much :)
there are several causes for your BB to shut off automatically, perhaps you have installed a new software in it? try removing that but first, you need to make sure that the device was not set to turn off/on automatically. You can check this by clicking Options from the Home screen then click Device > auto on/off & just turn if off. If that still doesn't fix it, you can attempt a soft reset by taking out the battery & then putting it back in but just make sure that the phone is off as you might lose data if it's on. if the soft reset doesn't work, try using another battery or another charger. if that still doesn't work, you can take your phone to a service center but u need to back-up your contacts in your sim card & your other stuff in your memory card as they might do a master reset or reinstall the OS & it will erase almost everything that you stored in your phone. These are just basic troubleshooting steps we used to do with BB phones when I was still working as a tech support rep for AT&T. You can also check the BB website for more info, just download the BB manual. Hope it helps! :)