Why does my husband complain about paying bills?


New member
May 19, 2008
You know, this Jackazz has been married 2 times before we got married and neither one of his ex wives Ever worked and he paid all of the bills. I step into the picture (employed) and he wants my money so that he can pay these broads child support. I refuse to pay for his previous lives and this leads to numerous fights but I will not relent. Everytime the bills are due, he starts demanding my money even after begging me to call of of work(hince my check is less than it would be). And I keep reminding him that He has responsibilities that dont concern me. Every dime that I spend, He feels like he needs to keep track of. Why should I be expected to bring home the bacon, Cook it,clean up after his azz, pay the bills(including child support, AND give him sex?? Whatever. I was doing better than this whe I was single and didn't have a needy indebt so-called husband. What do yall think? Am I being to harsh. I work hard for my money and the other wives never even had jobs. Why does he expect me to go broke contributing to his causes? F that.
I think that you didn't take the realities of his life into consideration before you married him. No you shouldn't have to pay his child support but your income should pick up the slack in your own home that his income can't cover because of his other financial obligations.

you probably made a mistake when you married him. You're hostile and bitter about his obligations, sounds like any feeling you had for him has died. It's probably time to move on.

Next time, don't marry someone who's been divorced so many times and/or has so many financial obligations outside of your relationship.
Then why you need him?
(simple question)
If he is so bad for you, then why u r with him?
No, I don't think you are being harsh at all. You shouldn't have to pay for his two previous marriages.
I'm sorry - that would be too much for me. I wouldn't stay in the marriage. He's going to bleed you dry, honey. Change those accounts and bankcards quick. I can't help but think he's some sort of con-man.
If I were YOU, I'd move right out. I dont care about things, about stuff, anything. Get your brother or a friend to help u to move your stuff and get a lawyer and get out.
You have no responsibility to this mans ex wives, etc. NEXT time, do not marry such a divorced man
You married him knowing he had all that baggage but i do agree that you shouold not have to pay his child support but on the other hand marrying him is saying you also accept his children maybe tell him he payed it before you so whats up? or maybe you guys need to evaluate your spending alot of people make the mistake of spending or financing more than they make
I"m wondering why you married this fool in the first place. His exes and his financial issues with them were only his until he married you. Once he did that, they became your issues also because you're married to him. What did you expect? You have bills, he has bills. Did you figure that you could just pay yours and he'd pay his? Why marry him at all? You two could just have been roommates.