Why does my mom laugh at me?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I got in to an argument with my mom a few days ago about wanting plastic surgery, and I said "I want to look good in clothes and enjoy clothes shopping because it's a major drag when you're ugly"
She giggled at me, that was literally the closest I've ever come to punching my own mother in the face. I don't understand how she thinks it's funny. why does she laugh at me?
Dude if you're going to call me dumb learn how to use "your" and "you're" correctly, and my body isn't the problem. It's my face, and I won't leave it alone because plastic surgery exists and I'd rather jump in to a vat of bleach than have plastic surgery ever getting banned..
If I wasn't blind like my mom is I'd be apologizing profusely to my child for making her ugly, and I'd do anything I can to help her get plastic surgery.
ahaha just accepting this would be utter defeat and I refuse to be defeated. Plastic surgery is and always will be destiny, and when I get it it's going to be a brand new happy life for me.