Why does she keep staring at me? Is she interested? How do I talk to her


New member
May 12, 2010
& get her number? ***Please read***? There's girl that goes to my college that keeps staring at me. It's been happening for a few weeks at the bus stop at the station. Everytime I try to take a look at her, she's looking at me already. She even stood right next to me when there was plenty of room to stand elsewhere. She even kept looking at me from a distance when she was walking. Does this mean anything? Or do I just think she's interested & looking at me? Im always wrong reading girls body language. I also don't find myself to be attractive (don't know though; never had gf).

How can I talk to her if I'm not good at it? How can I ask her out to hangout with me and get her number without making it look weird? We go to the same college & we see each other at the bus stop once a week. I'm bit shy & don't have a lot of experience since I'm not much of a talker. I don't want to mess this up. There's only 2 weeks of school left. It's not bad if I ask her out to lunch or coffee & get her number on the same day? I'm really nervous & feel I cannot do this.
Seriously, what have you got to lose her? Next time she stands next to you, strike a conversation. Even if it turns out to be horrible, you have something to talk/laugh about next time you see her. It could lead into something amazing, or something terrible, but what good will come of it if you just think about it and not do it? Good luck.