Why doesn't he like me? Is he picking up that I like him at all?


May 13, 2008
Okay so I used to sit next to this guy in history and I just met him this year. Now I sit by his friend in class. He's in 10th while I'm in 9th. He talked to me alot and messes around and makes fun of me(friendly). Anyway I was talking to him on myspace and then I asked him for his number over myspace and he gave it to me and told me to text him. Then I gave him my number and said no you text me. And he did about an hour later but I had fallen asleep so I didn't reply. Then next night I texted him to see how his band demo was and he was really cool and was interesting and kept the convo flowing. Anyway I fell asleep again on him not replying to him.(ive had a busy days). So the next day I texted him around 8-9ish which is when we usually talk. But he didn't reply. I really like him; how can I get him more into me? Was he just ignoring my text? AHH he also might me too cool for me. He is in a band(drummer) and is popular I guess. Average looks(but i have this huge physical attraction to him). Im just an average girl but i play on a varsity sport and im pretty(i dont think so; but alot of people say so)....... what do i do?
How can I make him want me?
Dont tell me to move on, thats not an option. :)
Mmm I think you should try to hang out with him more out of school grounds, like when you are texting you can be like hey my friends and I are going to *blank* do you wanna come? Maybe you can do this a couple of times then ask him out to go out just the 2 of you if he hasn't asked yet, also if you feel you are ready try to give him hints that you are interested in like do a lot of physical contact like if he says something funny slighty hit his shoulder or arm hehe The main thing is trying to get close to him and not let the other girls get to him before you, Best of lucks ; )
You just need to relax and take it day by day. He's not just going to like you overnight. You should be yourself and let him know what an awesome person you are and then he will see what's up. If he didn't respond to your text he probably isn't ignoring you. He might have been busy and forgotten to text you back just wait and let him come to you. Just keep on the same track that you're on now, maybe ask him to kick it and you'll be good. These things take some time though so try and be patient. Good luck :)