Why dont all of the worlds religious leaders have a meeting and figure


New member
Apr 5, 2009
this all out once and for all? Figure this out meaning what is true or not what is life about, who has the real answer? They cant all be right

If you try to make everybody happy, somebody is not going to like it...

Even just the Christians can't agree... and they've been working on it for almost 2,000 years... they just fragment more...
God came as man came, and tried that, they pounded 3 spikes into His body, and was crucified! Men don't want to give up their measily power, and riches. So, been there, done that already! Didn't work so well.God already knew what would happen, He had it written before He got here, kinda gave man a heads up, still didn't get it!
(1 John 5:19) We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one.
Work out your own salvation with trembling and fear the Bible says. So read it and decide what you want to believe. You will be judged by it.
"They cant all be right"

Exactly. But they can be all wrong. And that's what I'm banking on.
That will happen. We will have one world religion at some point concurrent with or followng the appearance of the Anti-christ.
Why don't all artists get together and figure out which artistic style is true? They can't all be right.
Let's save the time and just admit Christianity is the truth.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Because they would have to fight to the death, since ALL think they are right!
Because most are selfcentered and won't open up to a discussion like that. There is a religion similar to what you seem to be asking for and it is called Ba'hai. you should look into it.