why don't christians explain which country these prophecies are talking about?


May 11, 2008
5:They come from distant countries, from beyond the farthest horizons. They are the LORD's weapons to carry out his anger. With them he will destroy the whole land.
6:Scream in terror, for the day of the LORD has arrived--the time for the Almighty to destroy.
Isaiah 13:5-6

How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations - Jeremiah 50 (the old Babylon wasn't the hammer of the whole earth)

and in the first verse there was no way for countries to travel "great distances" and from the "horizons" to destroy another country until nowadays..
Judging by the context of the first passage, I would venture a guess that it refers to the Persian conquest of Babylon under Darius. In those days, Persia (Iran) was quite a distance from Babylon (near modern-day Baghdad,)

The passage from Jeremiah refers to the same event, and goes on to describe the repatriation of the Jews allowed by Darius.

Prophetic passages can be quite confusing and you have to allow for a bit of apocalyptic license.
Jehovah conducted a legal case against ancient Babylon, the longtime enemy of God and his people. Because of being unnecessarily cruel to the Jews, not intending to release them after the 70-year exile, and crediting Marduk with the victory over God’s people, Babylon was in line for an executional judgment. (Jer 51:36; Isa 14:3-6,*17; Da 5:1-4) That came to Babylon in 539*B.C.E. when it was overthrown by the Medes and Persians. Because the judgment to be executed was Jehovah’s, such a period could be referred to as “the day of Jehovah.”—Isa 13:1, 6,*9.
Similarly, Jeremiah prophesied that God would “put himself in judgment” with Edom, among others. (Jer 25:17-31) Hence the nation that had shown hatred for Jehovah and his people experienced destructive judgment in “the day of Jehovah.”—Ob 1, 15,*16.
When Judah and Jerusalem became unfaithful and merited God’s disapproval, he promised to “execute in the midst of [her] judicial decisions.” (Eze 5:8) In 607*B.C.E. “the day of Jehovah’s fury” came with an execution of his destructive judgment. (EZ 7:19) However, another “day,” or time, of judgment on Jerusalem was foretold. Joel prophesied an outpouring of spirit before “the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.” (Joe 2:28-31) Under inspiration Peter, on the day of Pentecost 33*C.E., explained that they were then experiencing a fulfillment of that prophecy. (Ac 2:16-20) The destructive “day of Jehovah” came in 70*C.E. when the Roman armies executed divine judgment upon the Jews. As Jesus foretold, those were “days for meting out justice.”—Lu 21:22;
isaiah 13:5-6
it is a prophecy of armageddon

the day of the lord is that time

its the far east federation that comes to the middle east
also russia and its people in its
plus the nations behind the antichrist

yes babylon was the hammer of the whole earth since god says it was

23 How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!
you dont have to be christian to read the bible or understand it.


who is this jee-suus and gawd.
If you take the time to study the bible until you understand it you would know that the reference to coming from far countries is concerning the earthly governments all over the world that God is going to use to precipitate Armageddon. The book of Revelation speaks of Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots. It is a reference to the world empire of false religion.

If you need more help understanding the bible please contact Jehovah's witnesses. They give free bible lessons to help people understand and have a chance at everlasting life.
how would they know?
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why is a book by Bart D. Ehrman, a New Testament scholar at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The book introduces lay readers to the field of textual criticism of the Bible. Ehrman discusses a number of textual variants that resulted from intentional or accidental manuscript changes during the scriptorium era. Ehrman recounts his personal experience with the study of the Bible and textual criticism. He summarizes the history of textual criticism, from the works of Desiderius Erasmus to the present. The book describes an early Christian environment in which the books that would later compose the New Testament were copied by hand, mostly by Christian amateurs. Ehrman concludes that various early scribes altered the New Testament texts in order to deemphasize the role of women in the early church, to unify and harmonize the different portrayals of Jesus in the four gospels, and to oppose certain heresies (such as Adoptionism). Ehrman contends that certain widely-held Christian beliefs, such about the divinity of Jesus, are associated not with the original words of scripture but with these later alterations.
Horizons are only about 23 miles away. They had camels, etc and could walk for days, like Bedouins with camps, etc. Babylon was probably Iraq or that part of the earth..
The scripture is talking about two different situations, but is prophetic of both.

The first situation is that Babylon (the literal Babylon) would be destroyed by a combination of Persia (modern-day Iran) and a collection of small nations known as Media, an empire known as Medo-Persia that did eventually destroy Babylon and permanently (in fact, Babylon is today still abandoned and nothing lives there).

So Medo-Persia, all those nations collected together, are the "Lord's weapons."

The second situation is for the future. That Babylon is identified in the book of Revelations as a "world empire of false religion." Any religion that does not belong to God and follows ALL of His commands, that is part of that empire. Currently that empire, which obviously does span the whole world, has a tendency to ignore God's commands and instead trades "God's blessing" (not His actual blessing, but they pretend it is) to world governments in exchange for power.

That is why Babylon the Great is also known as the Harlot, because it essentially sells the "tricks" of approval by their respective congregations to "the kings of the Earth" (world leaders), and then the world leaders give them power by doing whatever those religions want even if it is not in line with God's teachings.

One easily seen example is right here in America. Remember how Barack Obama had to prove he was a Christian, and had to do so by promising to continue to give the Christian faiths the same power they had under George W. Bush? Remember how every American leader tells us "God bless America," even though the Bible says the whole world is lying in Satan's control (1st John 5:19) and so God would never bless America or any other country? That is Babylon the Great--false religion.

But the book of Revelation says that at a future date, God will put it into the hearts of world leaders to crush and destroy all false religion. So now the world leaders will be the "Lord's weapons" and will utterly destroy false religion--or Babylon. That will happen in the day of the Lord--the day of Armageddon, when God's name is fully sanctified and God is proven to have been the only legitimate and deserving leader of mankind.
The event described was relating to the city of Babylon, even before she became a world power. In time, she was haughtily exalting herself over God's people of that time, Israel. Having taken them into exile, thinking that she was invincible, the God of Israel had foretold that 'in one night' she would fall. It was by a foreign power chosen by God to do His will. In 539 BCE this is what happened, resulting in the Israelites being released, back to Jerusalem.
The lesson we can learn from this is what will happen to any religious organisation that claims to worship the Creator, but does not care to find out what He requires. Militaristic elements in 'the collection of nations', so to speak, the UN will be used by Almighty God Jehovah to destroy Babylon's counterpart, Babylon the Great.
Those who really want to show their love of God should 'get out of her' (Rev. 18:4), before it is too late.
Kind regards, Günter
babylon is america, but no one will admit that since they live there, when their america is destoyed by other countries, then they'll know the truth.

Some people think that Babylon could be Rome (the Catholic church).