Why dont Native Americans, Irish Americans, and Japanese Americans complain much

For two reasons I think.

1. It is in the past.
2. The Irish have not been declared a special perpetual victim of the white male by the Liberals yet.

When Liberals start reminding the Irish every five minutes that their ancestors were treated like crap a long time ago then eventually some of the Irish will get angry and use the Irish card.

And really that's what happens now.

Liberal feminists and Liberal race baiters keep throwing the past in the faces of women and minorities then look for any excuse they can to keep them angry today so they still feel like victims.

Then Liberals swoop in and claim that they and only they are looking out for women and every one who is not white.

Liberals need those racial and gender tensions to stay high so they can continue to reap the rewards of claiming that they are the saviors of women and minorities.

In fact they are not. By keeping these tensions high they create an atmosphere of anger and separation.

Some women and minorities feel justified in doing some very bad things to others because they are told that discrimination against them is still going on at a terrible rate.

Liberals use minorities and women like pawns on a chess board too be used however they wish to further their agenda.
Its all so long ago, why keep dragging up the past, I take it your referring to British Colonialism? if it had not been for the Empire some people around the world would still be sleeping in tents with no medicine, education or civility.
They do. IN FACT, Japanese Americans have received reparations. Native Americans protest even today since states like New York are seeking to dissolve their sovereignty. I really don't care or know much about Irish Americans.
White americans don't want to know, don't listen and don't care. White americans are selfish and self indulgent, it's all about what you have and what you can get, rather than what others don't have and can't get.

Now, you can deny this all you like, but white america does not care about anything but white america, your history proves it.

One more thing, a handful of white americans that actually do care about others, is not all of you, let alone one percent of you.
As a Native American, I had always refer to the past injustice that my family had faced.
Until now, we are still being oppressed and living in reservations.
We do complained about our predicaments but there is no one to lobby for us in Congress.
Silent treatments here and there but we had survived so far and we don't look at the past but the future is much more important.