Why girls never speak to me other than giving signals? And they move back...


New member
Apr 12, 2008
...when they think I am interest? Well I am a bit autistic and I think most girls know. But anyway I am a quite good looking guy and is quite intelligent. But why is it that no girl comes and talks to me? They keep giving extremely slutty signals but they do not speak directly to me. And I have quite some trouble going and speaking to strangers. And I speak quite fast that it is difficult to understand my speech and I have trouble giving body language gestures including a fake smile. I tried to look a girl to the eye but she then they look away. Yesterday I said hai to a girl who gave extreme slutty signals before but she did not speak anything then so I went away. And how will the girls react if I just go and speak to them without a smile or appropriate body language. And my speech (especially English )is quite difficult to understand. So what are suggestions for me?