why is hubby not interested in sex?


May 11, 2008
Is it normal being married for 7 years, when you walk by your hubby half naked or naked he doesnt do anything, even walks away? I am a very attractive girl that is what i have been told by all my friends. But the way he is with me has completely hate myself. I have asked him several times why, all he can say is he's tired, and doesnt feel like it. And if we do get intimate its once maybe twice a month.
Really you need to work with him on it. Get into counseling with him, its the best first step.

But I know how you feel, sex isn't just about the physical act + orgasm, being denied sex or them having no interest is a huge self esteem hit, even if others are interested. You partnered with them because the way they felt was important to you, and now with them not feeling attracted towards you it ends up creating either anger or depression or both.
Well I won't tell you to ask him why, cause you've done that but I would explain to him what it does to your self-esteem. Tell him the way it makes you feel unwanted. My hubby and I went through a dry spell for awhile too because of all the stress from having multiple miscarriages. I finally told my husband that I felt ugly and felt like he didn't want me anymore. I'm sure I cried a little cause i'm a pretty emotional person when it comes to my husband and kids. All it took was that talk to get us to understand how we were both feeling and sex became an option again =)

I still miss those days when we first met though.....The days when it seemed like you couldn't get enough of one another....remind him of those times...who knows, maybe it'll give him something to think about.
You need to be more affectionate and more romantic.
Do all his chores for him
Rub his back
Massage his feet
Send him for a spa treatment

And after all that you must be very very patient,

At least that's what all the women say their husbands who are not getting enough are supposed to do for them
If mine tells me he is too tired I tell him to just lay there and I'll do all the work. He's usually agreeable to that.
You need to do more chores around the house so he's not so tired and then he'll want to have sex.
(That's sarcastic BS by-the-way.)

He's low-drive. There's nothing you can do.
If he was a horndog it wouldn't even matter how fat you were nor if you've showered in a few days.

"I'm tired" -> "I have a headache"
Something else is bothering him.
Countless things it could be from something you do or don't do to his own internal issues.
e.g. Are you on birth-control? Do you engage in foreplay?
What is the martial relationship like outside of sex?
Are nice to him and actually care about him or do you treat him like an accessory to your happiness?
What else could be depressing him?
It's pretty much gotta be one or more of the following: his hormones are low, he's gotten out of shape and is insecure with himself, he's gay, he's got a porn addiction, he's cheating, he's really tired or under a lot of pressure or stress, you're not good in bed or the sex is boring, you're not as attractive as you think, or he's tired of always having to initiate.

Has it always been like this or is it a recent change? It it's a recent change, the timing should give you some idea of what it might be.
time to bring out your wild side instead of getting naked try wearing a costume, bring some whip cream or honey try something different anything you can thing maybe a lap-dance can help try to be more freaky if this doesn't help then maybe hes cheating on you or probably hes tired of you sexually, just try something new i am sure it'll help... dont feel bad i am sure things will get better god luck
he is so tired because most likely he is having an affair, most likely with a guy since you are a pretty girl and you don't turn him on. try counseling, try getting communication open, if he doesn't want to change either learn to live with no sex, or leave and divorce him