why is it America shows no interest in slavery problem in sub Sahara Africa?


New member
Nov 20, 2010
i was shocked to discover that nowadays slavery still exist in some African countries why don't we hear about this problem in the western media(if a soldier got scratched in afganistana that's front page!), were i come from they are all over our a*** about gay rights and all sorts of obscure things can't they solve the slavery problem in a country with 7 billions GDP, i would think they can buy them all and free them with less than 40 euro per head!! and sure they will serve the humanity better than fighting for gays rights
Why is it that one day the world is telling America to mind their own business and the next day they are asking us why we are not involving ourselves in another country's issues?
The US is not the overseer of all governments. Why should the US be expected to ameliorate the issues of other countries? Where are the rest of the world players that should/could address these inequities without the US being expected to take the lead.