why is it that in america men don't cook, it is stressed on women?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
why is it everywhere in the world the men cook, but yet in america people think of it as being feminine? the women are pressured to learn to cook?
look at Italian restaurants who came from Italy who own famous restaurant names.
most of the Italians are men?
I know a LOT of families that have the dads or husbands cook. And I'm in America.
It used to be that way - back many decades ago - but now it's just a stereotype.
idk, but i know a lot of guys who cook. i find men who can't cook a turn off.
It makes me smile when I see a man cook!!!
It tells me that he doesn't mind sharing part
of the responsibilities ....
My man cooks and does it well....I think it's sexy and I don't mind "cleaning up" afterwards...........Miss F

I can bake as well...........The Prof
I cook . I am a half breed native american and white.I am big ,strong and pro woman. I am a great cook.Not feminine at all.