Why is it that women are beginning to fall for metrosexual men as opposed...


May 17, 2008
...to knuckle-scraping neanderthals?
Eoghan: Be good or I'll put you over my knee. I like to show a sweet talking misandrist what's what
Layla: Calm down, sweetie.
The metro guys have more money?

I think something in between is what these women want. That and a dose of over the knee.
Recent articles in the Daily Mail in the UK and other US publications suggest otherwise. The love of US Women for Bad Boys is completely contrary to the Metrosexual stereotype.

I have a question for you. Do you know the TV series that featured the first Metrosexual? Here is a hint. His business card had a Knight on it. It was Richard Boone playing the role of Paladin, in the TV Series "Have Gun Will Travel". The Metrosexual image has worn thin on many Western Women who are wanting Masculine Men back.
Here's how I look at it: Biology dictates that the Cro-Magnon, knuckle-dragging extreme mesomorphs turn the cranks of the ladies, but smart ladies are also looking for security, which includes money and property. So they marry the conscience-bound, dutiful metros, but carry on with one neanderthal after the other while hubby is at work.
It's called having your cake and eating it, too.
By the way. Have you noticed that the Neanderthals among us all seem to be conscienceless and or psychopaths?
Are you kidding? I have been doing this ALL MY LIFE.

Why waste your time (ok it was 4 years only and I got fed up and tossed him out). His ex-wife who came before me wasted 17 years of her life, and the ex-wife that came after me wasted 10 or 11 years of her life. So cut me some slack,ok? I deserve it. Four years is all it took for me to "get it", LOL.
Cause they look fit and all the ladies love the metros. We want you to spend time looking good and I definitely appreciate it.I dont want any beefy muscular minger
Not all women, darlin.
Some yes...others prefer their men to be...MEN.
I like a well dressed man, who is groomed and manicured.
But not too many women want a man that spends more time in the bathroom, with more cosmetics than she uses.
I don't want a waxed, tweezed, made up, watered down version of a man. Many of us still prefer men, not femboys.