Why is John Kyl whining about missing Christmas?


May 24, 2008
Doesn't he know that this is what happens when you filibuster and delay everything until the last minute? If John Kyl wanted to go home for his vacation to see if he got a new PS3 under the tree than he shouldn't have held the senate hostage to his tax cut demands.

This is he same thing that happened last year. Things could only get passed because Republicans didn't want to miss their egg nog. What happened to politicians with the courage of their convictions?
The article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/15/jon-kyl-harry-reid-christmas-senate_n_796942.html
Well I personally don't give a crap about a politician missing Christmas, they can miss their children's birthdays for all I care. But that old geezer Reid is trying to jam down his collectivist wish list while he still has a chance. Suffice to say if Kyl was the lead dog in the senate and he was trying to cram through a bunch of stuff pending himself becoming irrelevant, Reid would be crying about missing Christmas in between having his Depends changed by his wet nurse Obama.
He isn't even gonna miss Christmas, he's gonna have to come back after Christmas and do some work the following week. I gotta work the week after Christmas, and I bet most people have to as well. I never realized that it was all a Muslim plot.
Because he was visited by 3 Ghosts last night:

1. The Ghost of Greedy Chistmas Past

2. The Ghost of Greedy Christmas Present

3. The Ghost of more Christmas Greed (Future)
A Border Patrol agent was shot to death in Kyl's home state this morning, you know the state the Obama Administration sued for attempting to get the nation to understand how dangerous the border with Mexico really is?

It's also the state Janet "Reno Jr." Napolitano couldn't even secure as its governor, and now she's the head of the DHS. As she keeps on declaring the border "safer than it has ever been," that Border Patrol Agent's family will not be having a very merry Christmas this year.