Why is Obama humiliating himself and America by begging at Irans doorstep?


May 26, 2008
Why is Obama humiliating himself and the worlds most powerful nation by begging down in front of a terrorist country like Iran and asking them to be his "friends"

Doesnt he have any other friends? or does he likes the Iranians so much?

I mean as the leader of the most powerful country in the world it should be the other way around where the Iranians should be begging at the feet of America and Israel and begging them not to attack Iran.

It seems that Obama is so eager to play out the "appeasement of 1938" that he is willing to disgrace himself and (America) and look like a cocker Spaniel dog (type of dog that no matter how much you kick,reject or hurt or shout at still comes back to you)

Why doesnt he get the message of "NO" from the Iranians and understand by now that this axis of terror, the hub of terror stretching from Iran, Hamas, Hisbollah, Venezuela, Korea, Cuba are the kind of people who are not willing to sit down and talk "turkey" like common decent countries do.

Or the fact you can not make deals with them and expect them to honour them? has Obama missed his European history class and not read the chapter On "appeasement 1938"?

Or is he just going to allow it to happen all over again? a fanatical fundamendalist regime with the same murderous echos of another madmen who threatened to destroy the J5wish race is being ignored again?

Maybe this time instead of 6 million it'll be 60 million with nuclear weapons?
Most likely because of his known Muslim and Terrorist ties, Perhaps he is not begging , but plotting against this Country, He is not very patriotic
I wonder,i am not muslin,but i dont know why american hates som much muslin people,i think Obama should make a peace with iranians and all world,not war.