Why is Oblivion Stuttering Strangely?


May 14, 2008
I am running Oblivion on my gaming rig, one that runs Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Crysis, etc... All on Highest settings that Windows XP Allows (Save for Crysis, but we all know that is a machine eater).

My video card is a ATI Radeon HD 4850. I have 4gb RAM and a 2.6ghz Dual Core AMD Athlon X2.

Basically, I am getting excellent framerates until any entity begins moving quickly. This means battle, running around, riding a horse, shooting an arrow, etc.

The strange thing is, on my old laptop (1.5ghz dual core, 1gb RAM, Nvidia 6150 Go) it runs fine it low quality, none of these strange errors popping up.

I also have another rig with an Nvidia 8400 GS that has a similar problem.

With all of these problems decreasing the resolution or graphics quality does not change anything besides better framerates, but if you've got 60+ with maxed settings, why bother? The strange stutter does not seem to be read by the in-game console's framerate calculator. No obvious dip can be seen.

So, what is my problem? How can I fix it?
the problem is RAM, as you continue to play, the total ram usage increases, because your computer accumulated more and more information

get more ram, or stop other programs that may consume ram, music player, task manager, photoshop, browser(worth a shot)