Why is the full/premium version of Outlook Web Access available only in...


New member
Jul 6, 2008
...Microsoft Internet Explorer? It puzzles and intrigues me. Does the full version of OWA use any IE specific functionality? Does it make use of ActiveX? Does it "need" IE to run?

In case not, why isn't it available on other Web browsers such as Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome (only a basic/light version of OWA works on these browsers)?
I launched IE 8 Beta 2 in "Safe Mode". In this mode, all type of add-ons (such as plug-ins, ActiveX controls, etc.) are disabled. And OWA worked flawlessly, implying thereby that OWA ia built using standard Web technologies such as Ajax.

It's even more intriguing now as to why OWA has not been made available on alternative browsers, when support for Web standards is way better in them (compared to MSIE).
You somewhat answered your own question. Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser competes against Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and all other browsers.

So why would Microsoft. whose is losing market share to Firefox, help a competitor by creating Outlook Web Access to work with ALL the top browsers?

They want to stay on top and if they can make software which enhances IE's appeal to more users that is 100% fine with them.