Why is the 'holy land' now a hub for sex slavery under Judaism?


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Since Jews invaded and occupied Palestine, they have been 'judaising' the land (i.e. killing and expelling non-jews out of the country), If they're so religious, then why is "the holy land" now a main destination for "sex slavery", according to UN reports? Isn't this hypocrisy?

BBC news 2007 report

Last year, the United Nations named Israel as one of the main destinations in the world for trafficked women; it has also consistently appeared as an offender in the annual US State Department's Trafficking in Persons (Tip) report.

- By Jeff Hook

Have you read the article "Fighting the Flesh Trade?" If not, please do. It confirms every fact revealed by the late Dr. William L. Pierce in his various American Dissident Voices broadcasts on the subject of Israel's White Slave Trade. On December 5, 2001, the article appeared on the Jewsweek.com Web site -- complete with accompanying images. I hosted a copy of it on the old Jeffsarchive Web site, until I received an e-mail from a law firm representing Jewsweek, informing me of their intent to sue if the article wasn't removed immediately. I removed the article, and linked directly to their site. They then removed the article.

I then linked directly to the site of the copyright holder, the Jerusalem Post. By that evening, the Jerusalem Post had also removed the article. Well, that was two years ago. Now the Jerusalem Post has seen fit to re-activate the URL, so you might want to take a gander at what the Jews are doing to the women of our race. Here's a synopsis:

1. 3,000 White European women per year are smuggled into Israel as sex slaves.

2. They are promised legitimate jobs, but put to work as prostitutes.

3. They are locked in apartments with barred windows.

4. They are relieved of their passports.

5. They are beaten, tortured, and gang-raped (Jewish method of "breaking them in").

6. They are sold at pimping auctions! - during which they are forced to undress.

7. They are forced to service up to 15 Jews a day, 7 days a week, in Israel's 400+ brothels.

8. There are 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone!

9. Pimps and traffickers are ignored by police - prostitution is not a crime.
