Why is the media trying to avoid showing and talking about Ron Paul? Do...


New member
Oct 5, 2011
...they not want him to win or what lol? Obama is working for the same people Bush was , the media brain washes people by constantly showing coverage of the candidate that they want to get elected as they did with OBAMA , people like Ron Paul who the people like, well they don't get any tv time at all why? well so nobody will vote for him, mostly because you feel he has the least chance to win so you vote for their guy who has got more tv time ,its fixed .......
you know damn well why!!!!!! you just wanna hear someone else say it, dont you?

well, ill oblige.

ron paul wants to remove the government from peoples lives, come home from the 3 wars, leave the UN, abolish the private federal reserve, create constitutional taxes, and leave the people to do their thing along with the states. and removal of central control is the last thing the corporations want. if they had free market, most of them wouldnt last long. because they have no competition is why we have to buy their shtty products and services.
He's a threat to the military industrial complex and the hidden ruling class that has funded both sides of every major war in recent history.
The Zionists fear Ron Paul.
Hence why their media propaganda machine is doing its best to ignore and taint him.
Ron Paul best represents a common sense American, a dying breed, feared by idiots who seek to control idiots
The media gets paid money to keep their mouth shut I don't think thats fair but it for sure is corrupt. Most of the military wants Ron Paul to win and I think most of the people in general want him to win but media has to portray otherwise, lie, and use false polls on their news broadcasts. This is mainly cnn, fox, msnbc. Fox went with the lie about 911 that story.
Roger Ailes feels it is more important to support his past and future employees - he knows that Ron Paul won't be going to work for him if he loses, or if he wins. It's just good business.
CNN talks about him more and more.