why is the new "trend" getting pregnant at a young age?

bad sex education and they are too irresponsible when they have sex. they ruin their lives by having a kid, most of them can't go to college and if they do they dump their kid on their parents or something. Then they end up working in Mac Donalds trying to pay for your food and rent. i mean what good is it to have a kid if you can't give it a good life? Then the kid will have a high chance of becoming a trouble maker and yea.

I have a girl in my class she is 15 got knocked up by a 19 year old and now everyone is very excited for her, even her parents(she needed to keep em closed)
bad bad bad bad bad .
irrisponsible & it surprises me how kids are very casual about sex these days .
girls think that he's the "right one" when they are wrong .
hit & run & leaves her with a bun in the oven .
or just a broken heart .
a lot of them just say " yeah, i have plenty of condoms...so im fine ."
i guess being a virgin & saving ALL OF IT for your true love doesn't mean sh/t to anyone anymore .

30 years ago;
"guys, i just had sex . im not a virgin anymore ."
friends; "OH NO ! what's you mom gonna say ?"

"OMG, guyz ! i f/cked this hot guy yesterday !"
friends; "how did it feel ? LOL !"
Its' a terrible trend. These young girls don't realize the responsibilities and financial hardships in raising a child. Then of course they rely on their own parents to help raise the child. It's a very selfish attitude that's not fair to the babies born to these kids
I didn't realize it was new.
The year I was graduating high school, 1996, there was 13 year old girl at our middle school who was pregnant with her second child, a 12 year old pregnant with twins, and a junior who was pregnant with her third child.

A few years ago, when I was a phlebotomist in the local hospital (where I now work as an LPN), an 18 year old girl came into our ER with vaginal bleeding. Staff asked her if she had ever had an abortion, and it turned out she had recently had her EIGHTH abortion.

I think that any teenager (under age 18) who is pregnant more than once, and certainly, any woman of any age who has more than two abortions, NEEDS to be sterilized, forcibly if necessary. Obviously they can't keep their legs closed, they won't use birth control, and, since they're obviously lacking intelligence, we need to keep their offspring from populating the planet, therefore the sterilization.
Decades ago, having kids out of wedlock with no means to support them was a shame. Funny how society has so quickly reinscribed this phenomena.

I think one of the main reasons we have so much violence and poverty and similar problems in society is because society has essentially destroyed the notion of personal responsibility.
well....they probably figure "who the hell cares...I can just get an abortion anyway" ....these kinds of consequences of legalized abortion is why I don't support its free use....