Why is the right so afraid of Obama that they spew lies to the sheep?


Aug 4, 2008
These are some of the lies the sheep continue to say

He is a Muslim (Weren't they the ones complaining about him going to Rev Wrights church. How can he be a Muslim then?) Prove it.

The terrorists have said they will stop attacking if he is elected. Where is the proof?

He is going to raise your taxes. Yeah, if you are one of those super rich people that make more than $250000 a year. Are you one of them? No? So why do you care? Yes? Well, congratulations. And you can afford it.

Obama is a socialist. Where is your proof? He is a Democrat.

Osama Bin Laden is endorsing Obama? Really. He told you and didn't tell me or anyone else. Glad you and the worlds most wanted have that close a relationship

All Black people are voting for Obama. Really. You asked them all? You have already seen thier vote?

Obama won't wear the American flag on his lapel. Do you wear one everyday. And is it *the* definitive sign of your patriotism?

Obama is a "self proclaimed Christian" but he favours abortion, gay rights including marriage, gay adoption etc. Yes and so what. The Constitution requires SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!!!! He is running as a Democrat, NOT as a Christian.

Obama is associated with A.C.O.R.N. Let's see; he represented them, in his capacity as a lawyer, in a case a few years ago. That's it. He is not associated with them otherwise. Whereas McCain was the keynote speaker for them.

Obama hangs out with terrorists. Well, he served on a board with someone who may have been. If the guy is still a terrorist, shouldn't the Police arrest him. Why is that a problem of Obama's?

Obama is getting illegal funding. NO Obama is not getting public funding. It's not illegal to change your mind. He didn't sign a contract or anything saying he wouldn't take public funding

Obama is an Arab. No, his father was Black African, his mother was a White American.

Obama is not a citizen, he was not born in the United States, therefore he is ineligible to run for President. He was born in Hawaii. It was already a state by then. McCain was born in Panama.

And so on and so on and so on.

So many lies.
Is the fact that were very likely to have a Democratic President soon so scary that they have to make up all these lies?

And then they wonder why we think they are stupid.