Why is US Att Gen Holder investigating the most popular LEO in the country...


May 24, 2008
...Joe Arpaio? Is Obama trying to appease the Hispanics to gain vote for the Dem's. Is that why? Is he preparing to give the illegal aliens amnesty too? Thanks.
Hertha, were you aware that Obama has suspended illegal immigration raids? Were you also aware that Joe Arpaio is one of the only local leve LEO's that has been enforcing federal immigration law? Bush did allow federal raids on illegal immigrants, one of which took place about 30 miles from where I live. Furhter the only reason that Obama has sent more agents to th border is to try to keep the drug cartel violence from spilling over into the US, it has nothing to do with illegal immigration. So what exactly is it that you are trying to say????
Well Obama has beefed up the Mexico border patrol since in office, so I don't really understand what you are trying to say. The problem with aliens is they are coming here from Mexico and selling drugs, making more than $1000 a day. And it was George Bush who wanted them to get work visas and stay, not Obama. Bush wanted no Unions and aliens to do their work for less pay by illegal aliens amnesty
Arpaio is going over the line in some of his actions. Holder has the right and responsibility to investigate civil rights charges. It's fine to have pink underwear and all, but Arpaio can't violate the law, even if he thinks he is above it.