Why is Weed illegal when Tobacco is more harmful?


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Firstly, I don't support people who want Weed legal. There's more ways to make yourself feel good without damaging your brain. But what I don't understand is, why do we have it illegal when Tobacco is far more harmful then Weed?
Because our govt has stopped being "for the people by the people" and become "for the powerful by the powerful"

tobacco companies are LOADED!!! they can buy whatever influence they want in congress and elsewhere
Tobacco ISN'T more harmful.... both have been proven to contain cancer producing chemicals )but cigarettes have filters, joints ( spliffs) don't).... but tobacco doesn't cause paranoia!
not sure where u get your stats from. Marijuana impairs your ability. A better comparison is alcohol. Both used recreationally. Both impair judgement. Truth be told alcohol impairs judgement for longer and worse than THC levels in a normal recreational user. tests have shown. I'll post the link when I get it. of course the fear tactics are great.

did u know ecstasy was first used as a drug for couples to be taken recreationally to "spice things up"?
also PCP was created by Uncle Sam to use on Vietnam soldiers to make them tougher soldiers.
I actually heard the smoking a joint is as bad as smoking 10 cigarettes at a time. I have no idea if that's true, but I heard it from someone who smokes all the time.
Please cite your sources proving that tobacco is more harmful. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be legal (alcohol is). I'm just saying don't fool yourself into believing it's any less harmfull than tabacco
be cause weed makes u do things you won't do if you were "conscious " and weed makes you addicted so you could over does faster than tobacco....
Tobacco is hard to produce, thus the government can easily tax it.
Marijuana can be easily grown by anyone, thus the government can not tax it.

Solution: Make marijuana illegal and destroy countless innocent lives for the governments greed.

PS: All harmful Marijuana claims have NOT been proven. In fact, the only harmful side effect of Marijuana only occurs if it is being smoked (smoke is harmful). Marijuana actually helps control Asthma, ADHD, Depression, etc.

It's funny how easy it is to convince people that Marijuana has severe side effects.
because no government is going to gain more votes by legalizing weed. there have been decades of false propaganda that has poisoned the image of weed, and those who are uninitiated into the weed smoking world think it is an evil and destructive drug. there are too many people around (usually older generations i find) who will never change their mentality over this, so legalization will never gain popularity until these generations start to die off.

PS. i doubt that weed is any more or less harmful than tobacco. either way you are inhaling a hot plant into a part of your body that was not supposed to deal with that sort of thing. that is where cancers come from, exposure to foreign toxins.
Tobacco is NOT any more harmful than weed. Both have been known to cause the same acute effects on people. As a matter of fact, Weed has been known to actually kill brain cells unlike nicotine based products. A better comparison would have been Weed verses Alcohol.