Why should celebs get so many answers and stars when they ask a question?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
It’s not deserved is it? They ask a question with their shiny ‘official’ label, then never ask another one for 2 years! They never answer any questions but still end up with more stars than orions belt…who are ‘these people’. It’s not like they actually choose a best answer either.

Rant over…*breathe*

Ricky Gervais..kiss my baps
Nicky - ahem sister..lol. Hope your well today babes
Charlie - lol yeah..and it boosts Yahoo's pockets maybe
Gem - lol *doh*...good point about the stars..hey! don't rain on my parade! LOL ;) x
Mel - LOL! haha trust you to pick up on that..haha..oooh thanks hun, you know i need my daily fix of bum questions..:) x
Hypocrite - They wouldn't last 5 minutes mate..
Kat - hello! Well..I err am having a bad day..so thought i'd take it out on the celebs..still, it's something i've always thought about!
Phil - haha, i feel much better now..thanks
Andrea - Just general really! :) Ricky G sparked it off.

Omstarts - thanks bud
Steve - Mel is always kind with her stars!

Gilly B - lol..do you make Morrisey angry ;)