why should I have to?


New member
Apr 7, 2008
I am a fairly decent person and was brought up to do the right thing, even if it kills me on the inside. But I just dont understand why I always have to do more than others. If I dont write a thank you to someone in my family its awful. If my cousin doesnt its that she wasnt taught to. Their is always an excuse for me to have to do more.I am very pregnant and think its so unreasonable for anyone to ask anything of me right now. Another example my hus works for someone I dont like and unfortuantly they are related. That person said I could do certain tasks with the next big project, which I think is not so much to help him , she cant stand it that Iam not working outside the home in hopes of my stress level staying down and being able to rest more since I am pregnant. I mean what right does she have to push me, she wasnt the one who buried her son last year!If I did want to help that would be one things but I dont.I did tell hub if it helped him or made it easier for him that s one th
I told him I was fine to help him but I did not want to have to talk to her and if it stressed me out at all I was not helping.

I am tired of doing the right thing because it doesnt seem to matter who its with I keep getting screwed.