Why so much attention paid to Miley Cyrus??


Apr 8, 2008
I don't really care either way what she does. But what I am wondering is, If these pictures are so inappropriate, and/or 'racey', then why do they keep showing them over and over again on so many 'news' channels?
Don't you think that they are just making the situation worse?
Or maybe they are making a big deal out of nothing?
I do understand that she is a 'role model', I'm not asking why they are inappropriate, I'm asking if you think that the media is inappropriate. Bill Oreilly really seems to be obsessed with it. He isn't much of a 'role model' to anyone.
of course!!! they tell you how horrible it is but then they show it over and over and over again! thats what the media does and by God they sure the hell are successful. you see if they distract us from important things like global warming starvation across the world or whats REALLY going on in iraq then it would force the american public to put down their pizzas and stop voting for american idol and do something about it!!!

here's a hint, no one on the news is a good role model they fill americas minds with useless garbage and make us slowly forget about the real important things that we all should be participating in. when more people would rather vote someone of of idol than watch a debate between the candidates running for the nations highest position and ultimately the control and destiny of our nation then we should all know that the tv has done its job and destroyed the minds of our society
She has ''It''. as far as the pics go i talked to her best friend Leslie, and she said ''shes just being Miley''