Why such huge Difference in workers in GM verses Honda?


May 15, 2008
I go to both the GM transmission plant near Willow Run and the Honda plant in Southern Ohio. In the GM plant is see literally hundreds of workers sitting around doing nothing, while the Honda pland it is rare to even see one worker who is not busy.

Why is there such a hugh difference and how is it accounted for in the companies performance of efficency?
I would also like to see the UAW, the company work things out for themselves and not get a bailout. The first bailout will indeed come, but the second one if needed WILL NOT. And unless things are changed by those TWO PARTIES a second one is going to be a MUST or for sure the big three are GONE.
Logan, Unless GM makes drastic cuts in Pay and Work rules and rids of much of those retirement costs they are finished. Its a Bailout, Gm has NO ASSETS and No potential to ever pay back with things the way they stand today.