Why the right wing hindu parties in india have a problem with gays and lesbians


New member
Nov 23, 2008
when homosexuality was a part? of indian culture !??

but today they are all acting homophobic , esp baba ramdev
if hindus have a problem with homosexuality, doesnt that prove there is something fundamentally wrong with it?
being homophobic is righteousness, as defined in the christian jewish bible. hurting people and murdering people is wrong no matter what religion a person beleives.
dont the right wing in india know that hindu Gods do and have done homosexual acts, I am not kidding its a fact, theres nothing wrong with homosexuality, but there is something wrong with the ring wing nuts.
When was it ever part of the culture? I've only heard that it was always unaccepted. And who invented the word "homophobic"? It certainly must have been the gays.