Why would a guy not want to have sex or be in a relationship?


May 12, 2008
We are close..known him for years....we sext all the time..and flirt like there's no tomorrow. I'm actually getting a little frustrated. When we are around one another all we do is talk and stare in each others eyes. I value and respect that more than he will ever know. He's already gained my trust and my respect. He's not a shy guy around others, but he is with me. Why won't he just kiss me or ask me out on a date? I think I've made myself very clear that I'm interested. I've told him I have feelings for him..he responded that it's hard for him to open up. I told him that that was fine, and that I wouldn't push him...his reply was that he needed "help." lol...what do I do?
Sometimes guys are shy and have trouble making the first move. I was kinda like this with my gf and she had to hint at stuff for a while. Why does it have to be him to make the move? Why not ask him out or kiss him? Either you can expect him to make the move and it might not ever happen, or you can make the move and possibly have a relationship. Try it, see what happens :)

Can you answer my question? thanks:) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110825155420AAeYWhN&r=w
Just don't rush it or push the topic on him. Maybe he has insecurities about relationships, but if he can learn to trust you and open up (which he should be able to do with time) then he might feel better about himself and be more open to having a relationship with you. Right now gain his trust, show him your his friend and will wait for him.