Why would any black american vote for McCain when he voted against the MLK Holiday?


New member
Feb 17, 2008

You can also check yahoo news for video of him being booed.
Now he's trying to say sorry, OOPS, made a mistake. Do you buy that?
I should say black, white, hispanic or any other nationality for that matter!!
Some people are concerned with the issues and not race.
But not many..most could care less if this country and the tax payers are broke..
They might think he would be the best choice for president.
Honest answer. He dose not need the black vote. they are all for obama anyway. So no skin off his nose.But bet you he picked up a lot of independent voters. But, that's not news. We all about, know who voting for who. Not good is it? But we have let it happen with our bashing each other views. Now everybody mad ,but it don't change the facts, does it. we have got ourselves a mess people.
I was NEVER voting for him in the first place...but he is very rude for saying that..he will never become President of America....Obama will and he will change America!
poll show 90% will vote for Barack Obama because all whites are racist
He sorry alright, for trying to apologize.

Where is Malcolm X's Day?

Where is Cesar Chavez Day?

Where is John Paul II's Day

Why don't we have a day for everybody who has done some good in America??
Because we only have 365 1/4 of them.
where does it say that anyone in the USA had to agree with holidays that were put in in the last 20yrs!!!!! I am sure some people in this country do not like it that we celebrate the 4th of july!!!!! ect.ect.
i don't know why ANY american would vote for mccain.

Dr. King helped not only the african-american communities, but he also helped gays, lesbians and women.

mccain was 50 years old in 1983. america was not segregated. no excuse for his "no" vote.

and since he's an american hero, you would have thought he would have recognized another american hero, since it takes one to know one.
Hello and thank you! I cant believe this man want to be the President of the United States, with that voting record and the fact that he denounced America when he was capture in war. This the same man who wants to continue torture. He's worse than Rev. Wright.
i think cause they r weird n they might not want obama but i love obama
McCain want get any black votes . but why would any American vote for McCain the flip flopper
Ya he is rude and ignorant for saying that...that is why my vote is for Obama..cause he is an honest and great man who will be Perfect for President :)

MLK was a great man that had a very powerful speech and changed America!
I buy it more than i buy Obama claiming he never heard Rev Wright preach hatred in the 20 years he was there. Oh yeah then he switched the story and then switched it back. What a liar he is.
Blacks vote democrat every election. That will never change. They're like mindless sheep. Baaaaa...