Wicca with budda? Please help!?


May 19, 2008
I have been studying Wicca for a while,
And lately I have been interested in budda and Ganesh, they have popped up in my life
And I feel connected.. Is there anyway I can incorperate them into my Wiccan life? Can Ganesh be my patron god even though it's a Hindu pantheon?
People have Greek, roman, Celtic, Norse and al these pantheons, can i have a Hindu pantheon?
And I no buddas not a god but can I worship he in my Wiccan religion as someone I respect ?
Please help I am kind of confused thanks
Well, not so much in Wicca proper (I suppose you could, but I wouldn't call it Wicca any more), but in Neopaganism in general, yes.

Plenty of Neopagans use other pantheons, or even mix and match.
No one can tell you who to worship-- though do you stop to really think about the logic?

For example, you said Buddha is not and was never claimed to be a God, so why would you want to worship him? Do you think Buddha would think it does him honor, for someone to worship him? Because it seems to me it would kind of be the opposite of his teachings.

And why specifically would you want to worship him as a Wiccan (a fertility religion)? Considering Buddha taught that everyone needed to learn to release attachments, while Wicca teaches you to seek balance?

How does one complement the other?

Wicca is a European-based Pagan religion, it's beliefs & practices fit better with European pantheons than Eastern pantheons.

You know, you can respect and take what you want from a lot of different religions, that doesn't really mean you're mixing religions, or that you're practicing both at once.
Have whatever you like and feel connected to.


A lot of people incorporate Buddhism into Wicca. They are both more peaceful than Christianity anyway.
Nothing stops a Wiccan from honoring a Hindu deity. However, if you feel a strong bond with Ganesh, you want to ask yourself if Wicca or Hinduism might be the better vehicle for you. (And I'm not pushing you one way or the other)

Regardless of your religion, worshiping the Buddha is silly. He's not a god. You don't worship something just because you respect them. You can value his teachings without worshiping him, just as (presumably) you value Gerald Gardner's teachings but don' worship him either.