Wierd dreams. Any one know what they mean?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
First of all, I wanna say hi to you all over here xD. Well then, lets get started. Last night I had a couple of wierd and troubling dreams. One involves my father. But before I get started maybe I should tell you that he and mom got divorced (4 years ago) because he ran off with my aunt ( wife of mom's brother). This happend quite a while ago and I assume I'm over it. Ok so the dreams goes like this: I'm out fishing near the place where he works. He sees me and comes up to m and we start fighting. We end up rolling down into the river ( which is supposed to be the Danube but looks more like a small creek with fast running water). Ok so I fall into the river but he doesn't help me out and the water current takes me away. I manage to grab a branch and thats when the dream ends.
Seccond and perhaps the most wierd one I had in a while: It looked like it was the appocalypse or maybe something more like Resident Evil with monsters and zombies. I'm with this girl ( note: I had many dreams with her, but I don't know her in the waking life) and I don't know why but I felt like I needed to protect her. So...we end up running from everything, including normal people. We managed to escape to my grandparents farm in the country side and thats when the "plague" ended and things seem to get back to normal. Then I find myself taking pictures with her and all of a sudden the scene "skipped" to what looked like an old appartment and I was at the front door face to face with this big, ugly and horrible smelling monster and i couldn't move. Then the scene skipped again and I was driving a bus and i think i crashed it, i think ?!?! Thats when i woke up.

I had many more dreams like this. The most common thing i noticed is they all seem to end right when its most important. Any opinions and advices are welcome, and I thank those who have the time to read trough my nonsense . Thank you again and have a nice morning/day/evening/night (depends where you live xD).

PS: Please excuse my poor language. I tried to explain my dreams the best way I knew.