wife complains about not "listening"?


Apr 11, 2008
My wife complains that I don't listen to her and is really upset with me. I have come to realize that small things like not putting lid on a box, spilling oil on the cooking range, putting unwashed dishes near washed ones, etc..makes her feel I don't care about her thoughts or words.

I just want to ask this: Why are such small things important for women? and why does the emotional relationship have to depend on this?
I can understand your wife, because I am the same way. I stay home all day making sure that our home and our child are taken care of. I go out of my way to ensure that we are all safe, happy and healthy. I do certain things that I do not enjoy because I know my husband likes them that way. When I see that he does something that I cannot stand repeatedly, (like pile clean clothes on top of dirty ones) it makes me feel like he doesn't respect me. Really, how long does it take to put them in another basket? It's just a matter of respecting one another and the space you share together.
No, no, no. She really needs to learn how to pick her battles. If I yelled at my husband about the rolled socks on the floor everyday, I would be hoarse by now. Just try to help her out a little more and maybe she won't be as mad when you do dumb things.
My husband bothers abt the small things. It the way he was brought up. N obviously mine is not up to that standard.

I was so irritated coz its really not the end of the world or it wold be beyond damage.. when i confided in my dad,he said to compromise.. no harm listening to him and do what he wants.. dats wat marriage is abt.. my dad n my mum are married for 26 yrs.. and they are lovey dovey like they just got to know each other.. guess he knows what he's talking abt..
i agree with dat point.. bt if its a one way thing, then i don't think dat wld be applicable.. haha..

by the way,for women its not the things that make them angry... its the evidence of how they are being treated.. to u wife, u are not listening to her by not doing what she ask u to do.. this leads to her being inappreciated and unimportant to u.. thats where the emotional relationship comes in..

marriage is hard work.. bt once u listen to her n make her happy, i'm sure it will be worthwhile to go that extra mile.. when a woman feels loved and appreciated,she will treat u like a king.. :D
well this is too funny I would complain about the same thing to my exboyfriend. I cant explain it really clear its just we want to be recognized when we speak. The little things mean alot to me, and many women out there feel this way. Such as opening the car door, cleaning up the small mess on the floor, rubbing her feet without her asking. Things like that mean so much because we feel present, appreciated and recognized. Your wife is more than likely repeating herself to you and no one likes to do that so just open your ears a little more. :D good luck