will driving get easier?



I drove for the first time today, and it seemed harder than i thought it would be. I almost hit a tree making a u-turn. i am 15 and will be starting drivers training later this month. my question is, how was your first driving experience?
I feel as if though the way i drove today will be the way i will always drive. did you get any better?
Yeah definately. The first time I drove on the road by myself I was soo paranoid. After about two weeks I was able to do it more by reflex. The few months after that I still paid a lot of attention to what was going on ahead of me(my friends even commented on how "focused" I looked). After about two years now its pretty much all instinct. I am good at assuming where other cars will be, how fast they are going, how fast my car is, where my car is in relation to the road and other cars, etc.
I haven't driven since I was three (I'm 14)
But honestly, I think I drove better then than I ever could now.

My mom used to let me sit in her lap and drive down roads around her workplace. The last time I drove, there were cows that had gotten out of one of the pastures, and I nearly hit each one! It's was a nightmare....

Good luck, though!
when i first drove i drove right into a snow bank. and after that when i was drving on a highway i turned lanes way to fast.

what i did was i practice with the instructer alot and then i got the premit i drove everyday with my parents. yes i did get better and now its so easy for me to drive. now im not nervous at all driving. u cant be nervous driving and u have to be wide awake and watching the road.