Will God laughs at atheism's rants actually change anyone's mind?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Will all your spamming actually change the minds of atheists?
Why not simply do what they require? ~ Come up with a decent argument backed by evidence, or give up and leave them the hell alone ~ completely. Then turn from your rambling and turn to fixing up your own life proving that you aren't a complete loss. Trust that Jesus’ death on the cross while convincing to you personally and others like you, to the people you are ranting at, is either ahistorical BS, or an affair solely consisting of the shenanigans of Romans and angry Jewish Patriarchs which concerns us not at all. If you do this you will not receive eternal failure and be empowered by the Logic and Reasoning to get your own act together. Otherwise, prepare for eternal mocking and derision, it will have been by your own choosing. They have got themselves educated. You aught to do the same or at the very least STFU! Why do you delay?
Mythically - the Joker laughs all the time doesn't he?
@ Everard: This question references this one http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArDl6dVpMqZ1FXHNvH__1Fnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111125210340AAEpKyp

What am I on? Yahoo answers, strong stuff-nasty habit!
@ Dr Fluffy: My parents are both certifiably Christian and never divorced thank you very much. My poor mum had almost as much of a shock when I said I was doing Christmas dinner on Boxing day as she did when I told her I thought religion was silly!
He makes me grind my teeth.

Nothing makes me angrier than a Christian who refuses to understand Atheism, and uses that goddamn condescending tone/threats of hell.

How are we supposed to treat them all nice when there are assholes like that?
"Will God laughs at atheism's rants actually change anyone's mind?"
Did you mean...

Will God LAUGH at atheism's rants actually change anyone's mind?
1. God is imaginary - if not, produce one.
2. You'd be surprised the number of people who have contacted me with thanks for helping them realise 'god is indeed imaginary'
3. Martin Luther: Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but... more frequently than not... struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.
4. “Reason is the universal language. If someone denies themselves the use of it then they deny themselves the use of the only thing that puts us on top of the food chain.”

"Will all your spamming actually change the minds of atheists?"
Now I'm totally confus-ed ;)
What are you on ?
16 Fools show their annoyance at once,
but the prudent overlook an insult.

Stop being annoyed and you'll have a better chance and...
I'll be prudent and ignore your insults.
Whoever talks about "Logic and Reasoning", and the next sentence incites "eternal mocking and derision", has no credibility.
Whoever talks about "Logic and Reasoning", and the next sentence incites "eternal mocking and derision", has no credibility.