Will historians refer to 0bama as the "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance

Remember, (quoting what he said to Joe the plumber) he is just spreading the wealth, he is handing out money to needy people, it just happens to be our money not his
Program" President? Since Newt Gingrich was labeled a racist for calling 0bama the "food-stamp president." Even though Gingrich was only pointing out how food-stamps have increased by 33% since 0bama took office.

3 million more households signed up last year.
40 million people in America are currently on food-stamps, an all time high.

I will remember him as the president who got one of the worst terrorist ever, the stem cell research president, the green energy president, and a very intelligent man.
Of course they are at an all time high - G.W.Bush and his cornies shipped a tremendous amount of jobs overseas. You think it's bad now - wait untl; the Repub's put their budget through! Don't you idiots understand that the Republican party is holding the United States hostage? Wake up and smell the S**T!
He IS the "Food Stamp President"

That will be viewed positively by history, however, if the Communists succeed in undermining America..