Will you breed my dog?



i need someone to breed my dog buddy hes a jack russel rat terrior look at the link here http://www.freewebs.com/breedbuddy/index.htm
you have to live in middle tennessee and have a girl jack russel or something that looks similar i have ti keep 3 dogs out of the litter email me and leave a message thank you
I am not trying to be mean, just helpful. With all of those badly spelled words on his page, you will never get anyone to take you up on your offer of your dog as a stud. Also, nobody will let you keep three pups from the same litter, you will have to select one from three separate litters.
Please NEUTER your dog- there are already enough Jacrats in your area- over a hundred were rescued in Arkansas from a puppymill about 3 years ago. There is no good reason to breed your dog.
Yeah. Can you send me your dog's OFA and CERF results, please? Also I'll need a copy of the pedigree, his vaccination records, and a list of shows he's placed in.
Why don't you just neuter him??? It's a lot easier and plus you wouldn't bring more dogs in the world of overpopulation! God you people. .