Woman Beaten to Death in Home Invasion.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
Hi all,

The following is a pretty disturbing story that happened not too far from where I live. I don't know the family personally, but they're known in our community.

Here are a few links to the same story that piece together details:




The story as I heard it told from the word of mouth from people close to the family goes like this:

As usual after breakfast the husband takes the kids to school. The family has 5 children of which 4 of them leave with the husband which leaves the mother and her 17-year-old daughter home alone. The daughter is upstairs in her room when she hears a commotion but thinks it's her parents arguing or something (more on that later...). Apparently, during the commotion a man breaks in (his ethnicity is super sketchy because the daughter's and neighbor's story conflict) and hits the wife, a 32 year-old mother 8 times at head critically injuring her (there was barely anything left of her head) and breaks the window running out and leaving a message written on a piece of paper. At that moment the daughter runs down stairs and catches a glimpse of him (he apparently had a tire-iron or some sort of similar weapon). The neighbor's see the man sprinting away from the home at full speed and report him to be a black male, the daughter said that she saw a white male.

The mother, unconscious, was taken to the hospital and reported brain-dead. After a few days in the hospital the family decided to pull the plug and she died yesterday.

The family received a threatening hate note (the terrorists and go back to your country routine) a few weeks prior, but decided not to report it thinking it was teenagers making a baseless threat. Unfortunately, things like that should be taken seriously and if they reported this could have been prevented.

In San Diego people of different ethnicity, cultures, etc. enjoy a rather peaceful and hate-free co-existence. This comes as a shock.

Anyway, a few things:

-From what I can tell the mother appears to be targeted specifically, perhaps the attack was planned days before hand or even weeks (since the day they received the first note), and decided to carry out his cowardly act when they're most vulnerable. Apparently he didn't take into account the 17-year-old daughter still being home, or else he would have killed her too (she was upstairs at the time).

-If this was indeed a hate crime, than all the crap Fox and similar bull crap feeders finally got to a few nutcases and resulted in such a horrid lash.

-Finally, threats should always be taken seriously...

Edit: News coverage (I would ignore her religious rant because in distress things don't come out as planned). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqUvmbtnOME
Disgraceful. (fantasy revenge snipped; a little over the top, amigo)

Modorator request: Please try to discuss the issue rather than vent about your particular torture fantasies.
Why would you blame Fox for this? Has anyone on Fox said "All patriotic americans should go out and beat a muslim woman to death"?

Even if they had - I have heard many rude, violent and anatomically impossible suggestions over the years. I have never felt obliged to follow them. So why assume that Fox has such influence? Have you considered that even if this is a hate crime (not confirmed yet), the perpetrator may have been motivated by some other cause? Such as 9-11, death of a relative, the body-count in Afghanistan etc. Or just plain crazy?

Far more white people get murdered in the US than mid-easterners. Do you blame Fox for that?
Come to mention it most Muslims are killed by other muslims aren't they?
I could be wrong about the exact numbers but I don't think Fox is causing those murders either.
Obviously I don't know what Fox News has said about anything, because I don't watch it, and wouldn't even it was available to me.

But I do think that the media has a responsibility in how they report the news. Classic example being the now (happily) defunct rag the News of the World running a campaign which pretty much encouraged vigilante attacks on paedophiles. Given the single-figure IQ rate of it's readership, it perhaps shouldn't have been a suprise when a paediatrician got firebombed out of their home by a mob of neadantherthals.
And isn't it traditional for extremists Muslims to kill their women for minor infractions, perhaps she dropped an egg on the floor. At least that's what I heard on Fox News.

That wouldn't have happened in Virginia, the perp would have been the one dead on the door step.

It takes a real coward to beat a woman to death with a tire iron. What a terrible experience for the daughter to witness that... very sad.

There are evil people all over the world. Not too long ago near me a neo Nazi wannabe hit a black girl in the head with a block of wood at a local bar. I use to work at that bar years ago. One thing I can say about that is, he's one lucky loser that I wasn't in there at the time. Of course he's back in prison as he was out on parole.
Whoa, hold on there. I said *IF* it was a hate crime. In my mind it probably wasn't and it's something all together different.

I am saddened to say that people close to the family have taken the hate crime train and started making a rift between people than being united against such a heinous crime.

Why would someone leave a note that could possibly lead to his capture? There are a lot of inconsistencies in the story such as the window being broken AFTER the perpetrator left the crime scene. How did he break in the first time and why didn't he leave the same way? It also seems like he had to know the family's schedule quite well in order to pick a right time to go in an murder the victim in cold blood.

I said Fox News because it churns out crap faster than a diarrhea stricken elephant. It might have not affected you, but putting rubbish in people's head constantly does have some effect, and coped with a traumatizing experience could easily lead to something.

As far as I know nothing has been ruled out, but robbery is highly unlikely because nothing has been stolen as reported by the family.
Your OP made it sound as though Fox could cause this all on it's own. I was wondering how you came to that conclusion. As it happens, it hasn't affected me, because I don't watch Fox.
You're right. I am unfairly blaming Fox. It's fairly known for it's biased views and inaccuracies and it's one of the widely view new channel.

It could be something else, I shouldn't have named Fox. Point taken.