Woods' agent: Expect Tiger to come back sometime in 2016


Jun 17, 2007
Tiger Woods isn't playing the Masters, and we still don't have a definitive timetable for his return.*
However, we now have a better idea of when we'll see Woods play again.
"I do expect him back on the golf course this year. Absolutely. But there's no timetable," said Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, to ESPN.
The 14-time major winner issued a statement on Friday telling the world he wouldn't show up to Augusta National in search of a fifth green jacket.
''I've been hitting balls and training daily, but I'm not physically ready," Woods wrote on his website. "I've said all along that this time I need to be cautious and do what's best for my long-term health and career.
''Unfortunately, playing Augusta next week wouldn't be the right decision.''
The former world No. 1 hasn't played competitively since finishing tied for 10th last August at the Wyndham Championship. The following month, Woods underwent a second microdiscectomy surgery on his back in an 18-month span. In October, Woods then had another procedure on his back.
Since then, Woods has shared one video, in February, of him hitting a 9-iron into a simulator. However, in his Friday update in which he bowed out of the Masters, he suggested he's making more progress through the bag.

Ryan Ballengee is a Yahoo Sports contributor. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.
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