Woot! $32000!


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Mrs Ameka Willians wants to give me her father's $32000!

Here's the email I received on my Myspace page.

And here's her profile picture:

And her profile page. Her screenname is Dona, must be a nickname.


Crazy. I got a similar e-mail... but it went even further and they were asking more money and that was in addition to repeated requests for an unholy physical union of bodies.

Below is a the picture of the person who sent the letter to me and requested the works!!!
lol thats funny...I got a letter through the door from the bank of singapore! saying that a guy with "THE SAME LAST NAME AS YOU" died with no family or next of kin so I could be inhereted %20 of $13.6million dollars!!!! but It didn't even have my name on the letter! So maybe the guy up the street from me got the same letter lmao

That's hilarious. I got one of those through the door claiming to be from "the inland revenue" (LOL) saying I owe them "£8,000 in unpaid income tax"

They even say they'll "take steps to recover the unpaid revenue, including the employment of debt collection agencies"

Those whacky Nigerian pranksters!
You're being scammed. I had one last week that offered me $6,000,000. They clearly have no respect for you if they can't even come up with a decent figure.