Worst State in the Union


Don't worry. I'll let you mooch off my town's Snyder's chips.

Latrobe is ok I guess, even without the Rolling Rock. Which, it better be, since I'll be making a run through there sometime this week, as Westmoreland has beyond better looking women than Somerset's area does.

*EDIT* Rolling Rock was kinda piss anyways. The only thing to come of it was the sweet concerts, and getting to see Jimmy Pop get pissed on.
North Jersey. Nothing in common with the south and just gives the whole state a bad name.
How come no one has said Washington yet? I mean c'mon, highest suicide rate, always raining, why is it even still part of the US? We should just give it to Canada.
San Antonio is not a place I'd like to live. Its fun to visit and drink on the river walk but I like being able to get away from so much hispanic influence.
i hate tennessee.

ive attended wrestling camps there for the past 2 years and my family goes there occasionally for vacation and spur of the moment skiing (which blows cock). the people there are the trashiest around, and even the college town of chattanooga has nothing in it. the mountains there suck soo much ass, and are overly crowded with rednecks who happen to know nothing about the snow (which they don't have, just some artificial bullshit). pidgon forge blows cock also. its soo eerie going there because its old and broken down yet some people still manage to find fun there. its like a bullshit creepy carnival inhabited by rednecks.
Michigan, but only because of Detroit. If some other state/unfortunate country happens to annex Detroit, Michigan will once again be awesome.

As it stands now, however, Detroit holds Michigan captive in shitty state purgatory.
Keep Atlanta and north east Atlanta, and the rest of Georgia can go. I have never been to a nice place of Georgia other than where i live.
California, because they're trying to steal Wisconsin's cheese!! Damn them and their communist cows... Rich and bitchy people there too.