Would a fish rescue be pointless?


New member
May 7, 2013
I love fish, especially bettas. I hate how people keep their fish in bowls and/or very small tanks. I also hate that fish are considered disposable and worthless by most people. My friend has an oranda goldfish in a vase and he is fully aware that it can't stay in there, but he doesn't care. At all. I actually like fish more than cats and dogs for some reason, so it really peeves me off. I would like to start a fish rescue or something like that and try to educate people as well, but it feels pointless. It seems that only kids actually care once they learn that they aren't properly taking care of their fish, but their parents are always like "It's just a fish, no way in hell am I buying a twenty gallon tank for a tiny goldfish!" So, do you think that it would be pointless?