Would like to speak with some Aussies


Apr 5, 2008
I plan on visiting the wonderful land down under in febuary, though before I do I'd like to speak with some locals, I know we have a lot of members from australia here. Is anyone interested in perhaps starting an exchange of knowledge with a yank from NYC? Also if anyone could suggesst any other message boards with similar member composition I would be thankful.

Not quite a lot, but there are a few of us If we're ever online at the same time, I'm willing to chat, I added you to my AIM list. It's a great country, and I hope you enjoy the visit
I'm a kiwi ("person from New Zealand") but I've lived in Oz for a total of about 6 years. Pretty much all the time in Sydney but I'm moving to Melbourne in August.

Anything particular you want to know (apart from how many different animals can kill you over here)?
So what have you done to your WRX there? Monster pipes? Uprated turbo? Reprogrammed ECU?

Flat four, aren't they? Isn't it just a little too much like a volkswagen motor? Yeah I know they're quick but still..
Heya Pat,

Which part of Oz are you coming to? All of us who have answered are from the East Coast, so if you're going to Perth, Adelaide, (insert town name here), odds are you'll not see any of us.

Let us know when you can.
the WRX is still a somewhat new car to us, so while the motor is small we are enjoying it. yes I have done all of the above to my STi, putting out somee very respectable horsepower and torque #'s now.
I'm interested in hearing from people about what the martial arts community in AUS is like, honestly my dream right now would be to be able to move out of NYC and to somewhere to teach/train the martial arts, AUS has appeal to me for a lot of reasons , but from what I've been told the martial arts community is strong and diverse and someone like me could learn a lot and potentially contribute as well.
Very true. The MA communities are diverse here - we're very close to Asia for one thing. It tends to be mostly the cities that have the diversity, but that's true of anywhere. In my experience, Sydney and Melbourne seem to have the broadest range and best teachers, but that's a quantity over quality thing. One good teacher in a town makes that town worth visiting!

What's your style? What are you interested in learning or teaching?
I've got expierence with okinawan goju, WTF taekwondo, and more recently Muay thai and sayoc kali (though I am nowhere near qualified to teach either of those) I'm interested in learning anything, how about the quality of life in AUS compared to here.
Well, I've never lived in the US, but the quality of life in Oz is better than most places I have lived in (and there's been a few). It'll be even better if we can oust the Prime Miniature John Howard at the next election.

I suggest coming over first to Sydney (to see the Jewel In The Crown ) and then travel around to other cities. There'll be members in many places more than happy to show you to some schools to check out, I'm sure. I can point you to some damn fine Choy Lee Fut!
Yeah, good idea. Go to Sydney first, that way you'll get SCARRED FOR LIFE!

There's lots of good MAist's here. If you can give us an idea of where you're looking to go and for how long I'm sure we can give you some ideas.
Hey mate,

I'm in Newcastle, in NSW. It's about the middle of the east coast - 2 hours north of Sydney. Drop and email or message anytime. Here there are a number of styles available. Personally I'm into Wing Chun/Ving Tsun.

As for the quality of life, I'm sure you'll be suprised . Theres nothing wrong with "down under"

Nice car too, I've been dreamin of my own WRX STi for a looong while . Yeah Vanir, they are flat-four, and they POWER.

Jim's right. Look out of Sydney!! That place'el FREAK you
well being born and raised in NYC I dont know if any place can make me more scarred or jaded I'm trying to get there for 2 or more weeks in febuary. I'll be starting in Sydney and going to visit some friends in Oakhampton . since i only have around 2 weeks I dont know how much outside of the east coast I'll be able to see.
I lived in Newcastle and Sydney, but 3 years ago I had a moment of clarity and moved to Brisbane. Great climate, lifestyle and good training.
Not much. Australia is massive. You know, REALLY big. A mistake lots of people make is trying to see too much in too little time. In a couple of weeks you would be busy just looking around Sydney - apart from the city, you've got the Blue Mountains less than two hours west, the Hunter Valley less than two hours north, Kangaroo Valley less than two hours south, etc., etc.
Sq mile wise I think australia is as big as the US so I can only imagine. How long does it take to fly from one coast to the other?