Would Majoring in Nutrition Turn Me Into a Health-Crazed Maniac?


New member
Dec 4, 2008
I want to major in Nutrition and then either become a nutritionist, teach about nutrition and food science, or most likely go into PA (physicians assistant school).
I'm afraid that after a while of studying nutrition I'll turn into my mom and start nagging people about their food choices every meal and stay committed to soy, tofu, and omega tablets.
Is this an unjustifiable fear? To be honest, I want to study nutrition because I like learning about how the body digests and makes use of vitamins and minerals. I find that part interesting. I don't necessarily care to learn about fad diets or learn how to eat healthy because I always thought to eat plenty of veggies, fruits, and less heavily processed foods and that has always been fine for me, since our bodies can actually handle some occasional crap foods 1-2 times a day.
I just don't want to become a slave to healthy eating. So would majoring in Nutrition be a bad idea then? Are there any Nutrition majors who don't nag about healthy eating?